Top things to do in Nowa Ruda (Poland)

Explore the hidden gem of Nowa Ruda, Poland

Nowa Ruda is a small town in Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. With plenty of natural attractions and a rich history, it is a perfect place for tourists who seek a peaceful and relaxing vacation. Here are the top tourist attractions in Nowa Ruda.

Tourist Coal Mine in Nowa Ruda

Take a tour of the coal mine which served as a source of livelihood for the people of Nowa Ruda for many years. The mine has been turned into a museum where visitors can see the tools and artifacts used by the miners. The museum also displays the history of coal mining and its impact on the region.

Sightseeing Tower on All Saints Mountain

Climb up the tower on All Saints Mountain to get a panoramic view of the town and the surrounding landscapes. The tower is a popular spot for tourists who want to capture the beauty of Nowa Ruda.

Most kolejowy nad Wolibork?

The Most kolejowy nad Wolibork? is a railway bridge that spans over the Woliborka river. The bridge is an engineering marvel that served as an important means of transportation in the past. Today, it is a popular spot for tourists who want to take a scenic walk over the river.

Wiadukt kolejowy

Another railway bridge that is worth visiting is the Wiadukt kolejowy. The bridge is an excellent example of the engineering skills of the past. It is an ideal spot for photography and offers visitors a glimpse of the history of transportation in Nowa Ruda.

Ranch Overo

The Ranch Overo is an equestrian center that offers horseback riding tours through the beautiful landscapes of Nowa Ruda. The ranch is surrounded by forests and mountains, providing an excellent opportunity for nature lovers to explore the region.

D?by rudogórskie

The D?by rudogórskie is a group of old oak trees that are over 400 years old. The trees are a living monument to the history of Nowa Ruda and the people who lived here. Visitors can take a walk through the forest and see the majestic trees.

Top of All Saints

If you want to get a bird's eye view of Nowa Ruda, then head to the Top of All Saints. The viewpoint is a popular spot for tourists who want to capture the beauty of the town and the surrounding landscapes in their photographs.

Trasa turystyczna "Droga Starom?y?ska" wokó? Kr?pca

The Trasa turystyczna "Droga Starom?y?ska" is a tourist trail that takes visitors through the historical sites of Kr?pca. The trail is marked with signs and provides an excellent opportunity for tourists to learn about the past of the region.

Pa?ac Stillfriedów

The Pa?ac Stillfriedów is a historical palace that was built in the 18th century. The palace is a symbol of the wealth and opulence of the past. Visitors can see the impressive architecture and the beautiful gardens.

3 bunkry

The 3 bunkers are remnants of the past and served as fortifications during the Second World War. Visitors can explore the bunkers and learn about the military history of the region.

Lisie Ska?y

The Lisie Ska?y is a group of rocky outcrops that are a popular spot for rock climbing. The rocks offer an excellent challenge for experienced climbers and provide an opportunity for tourists to experience the thrill of outdoor adventure.


Kamienista is a waterfall that is located in the middle of the forest. The waterfall is a hidden gem and is an excellent spot for picnicking and fishing.

St. Anne Church

The St. Anne Church is a historical church that dates back to the 17th century. The church is a beautiful example of Baroque architecture and is a popular spot for tourists who want to explore the religious history of Nowa Ruda.

Dydaktyczna ?cie?ka przyrodnicza pó?nocno - zachodnimi stokami Rudej Góry

The Dydaktyczna ?cie?ka przyrodnicza is a nature trail that takes visitors through the forested slopes of Ruda Góry. The trail is marked with signs and provides an opportunity for tourists to explore the flora and fauna of the region.

Trasa spacerowa wokó? Rudej Góry

The Trasa spacerowa is a walking trail that takes visitors around Ruda Góry. The trail is an excellent opportunity for tourists who want to take a leisurely walk and enjoy the natural beauty of the region.

Noworudzka brama donik?d

The Noworudzka brama donik?d is a historical gate that served as the entrance to the town in the past. The gate is an impressive example of the architecture of the past and is an important landmark in Nowa Ruda.

Drzewo szubieniczne

The Drzewo szubieniczne is a tree that was used as a gallows in the past. The tree is a somber reminder of the past and its significance in the history of Nowa Ruda.

Tunel kolejowy pod ?wierkow? Kop?

The Tunel kolejowy pod ?wierkow? Kop? is a railway tunnel that is over 200 meters long. The tunnel is an impressive example of the engineering skills of the past and served as an important means of transportation in the past.

Ruiny sk?adu kruszywa

The Ruiny sk?adu kruszywa are ruins of a quarry that was in use in the past. The ruins are an interesting example of the industrial history of the region.

Wiadukt kolejowy Ludwikowice K?odzkie

The Wiadukt kolejowy Ludwikowice K?odzkie is a railway bridge that spans over the Strzegomka river. The bridge is an impressive example of the engineering skills of the past.

Fort High Rock

The Fort High Rock is a historical fortress that served as a military stronghold in the past. The fortress is an excellent example of the military architecture of the past and is a popular spot for tourists who want to explore the military history of Nowa Ruda.

Koci grzbiet, Punkt Widokowy

The Koci grzbiet, Punkt Widokowy is a viewpoint that offers a panoramic view of the region. The viewpoint is surrounded by forests and is an excellent spot for photography.

Grabina 945 m n.p.m. and Kozio?ki 935 m n.p.m.

Grabina and Kozio?ki are two mountains that offer an excellent opportunity for hiking and trekking. The mountains are surrounded by forests and provide an excellent opportunity for nature lovers to explore the region.

Wielka ?awka / Big Bench #169 Ceresina - Bieganów

The Wielka ?awka is a large bench that offers a panoramic view of the region. The bench is an excellent spot for visitors who want to relax and enjoy the beauty of Nowa Ruda.

Polana Jugowska

The Polana Jugowska is a meadow that is surrounded by forests. The meadow is an excellent spot for picnicking and provides an opportunity for tourists to enjoy the natural beauty of the region.

Wie?a widokowa Suszynka

The Wie?a widokowa Suszynka is a viewpoint that offers a panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes. The viewpoint is an excellent spot for photography.

S?oneczne ska?ki

The S?oneczne ska?ki are a group of rock formations that are located in the forest. The rocks are an interesting example of the geology of the region and are a popular spot for rock climbing.


The Kapliczka is a historical chapel that is located in the town center. The chapel is an impressive example of the religious architecture of the past and is an important landmark in Nowa Ruda.

Locals Place

The Locals Place is a traditional restaurant that offers local cuisine. The restaurant is an excellent spot for tourists who want to taste the flavors of Nowa Ruda.

Wro?sko wys. 532 m.n.p.m

Wro?sko is a mountain that offers an excellent opportunity for hiking and trekking. The mountain is surrounded by forests and provides an excellent opportunity for nature lovers to explore the region.

Ambona le?na

The Ambona le?na is a wooden pulpit that is located in the forest. The pulpit is an interesting example of the religious history of the region and is an important landmark in Nowa Ruda.

Reduta Skrzyd?owa

The Reduta Skrzyd?owa is a historical fortification that served as a military stronghold in the past. The fortress is an impressive example of the military architecture of the past and is a popular spot for tourists who want to explore the military history of Nowa Ruda.


Nowa Ruda is a hidden gem that offers tourists a chance to experience the natural beauty and history of the region. From historical landmarks to scenic viewpoints, there is something for everyone in this charming town. Plan your trip to Nowa Ruda, Poland, today and explore this beautiful destination.